Tag Archives: vitamin

Daily Vitamin #15 – iOS Web Server, Ubuntu 14.04LTS

Lightweight GCD based HTTP server for OS X & iOS (includes web based uploader & WebDAV server)

GCDWebServer was originally written for the ComicFlow comic reader app for iPad. It allow users to connect to their iPad with their web browser over WiFi and then upload, download and organize comic files inside the app.


Ubuntu 14.04LTS – New LTS, desktop looks lot more like Mac OS X, which means it’s friendlier to use.

Daily Vitamin #13 – Email Lists I Subscribe To

It’s really difficult to keep up with all the changes given that I work on Objective-C/Cocoa, Ruby, Android, JavaScript, and so much more. I subscribe to these email newsletters and allocate time to go through the changes and upcoming stuff. It initially felt like I was getting spammed, but over time, I found them to be extremely useful. Besides, these are weekly or monthly, so the frequency does not bother me at all. Check it out for yourself.

Dave Verwer’s iOS Dev Weekly – my Friday treat
Ray Wenderlich – monthly but sometimes more
Cocoaheads NYC

From Peter Cooper
Ruby Weekly
Javascript Weekly
HTML5 Weekly

Haskell Cafe
NYC MongoDB User Group (via Meetup.com)