Here it is, the first of a series on MongoDB. I decided not to go over the concepts since there are extensive coverage already on the net. I highly recommend the presentation slides from nyc.rb and also checkout Peepcode’s screencast on CouchDB.
Here it is, the first of a series on MongoDB. I decided not to go over the concepts since there are extensive coverage already on the net. I highly recommend the presentation slides from nyc.rb and also checkout Peepcode’s screencast on CouchDB.
vim makes multi-line edit a breeze as I use the feature to comment out multiple lines. Just use v->ctrl-v to select the lines. Use shift to enter i or r.
RubyHead Short – Vim & Me Part 1 from Joon You on Vimeo.
for toggling NERDTree, from my .vimrc,
There are lots of screencasts popping up about TextMate these days. In this screencast (please watch it in HD), I introduce the text editor of my choice for those who cannot use TextMate. This is a brief introduction and depending on the response, I’ll make it a series to cover other neat features, so please comment.
MongoDB Install from Joon You on Vimeo.
Ever wonder how Rails apps can recognize your account by subdomains? Well, here’s how.
Google CSE with Ruby from Joon You on Vimeo.
In this episode, I create a web service object that grabs Google CSE result and convert it into accessible data by other Ruby objects.
Special thanks goes out to Avi Flombaum of for giving me the permission to use the code.
Outsourcing + Fork from Joon You on Vimeo.
In this episode, I demonstrate outsourcing a function to the command line within Ruby and create asynchronous process using fork. The example takes a video file and converts it to Flash file using ffmpeg. Forking can be used with Rails, but please use Spawn plugin or do the sensible thing by using other queuing mechanism.
The code for the example used in this screencast:
Ruby on Window from Joon You on Vimeo.
VirtualBox =>
Ubuntu =>