Author Archives: admin
New Rails App with Older Version
I had to create a new Rails app when I had newer version installed as shown below from gem list
rails (4.0.0, 3.2.13)
rails _3.2.13_ new newappwitholderrails
Rails version is within _.
Daily Vitamin #11 – Mina Deploy via YouTube
Great set of screencasts on Mina deploy. Checkout the channel for more screencasts.
Part 1
Part 2
Daily Vitamin #10 – Everyday Tools
Daily Vitamin #9
Data Structure
Why is this important? Understanding of data structure should help with learning other programming languages. Unfortunately, I started with Assembly, so you’ll understand what it was like to program long long time ago. Wiki provides excellent starting point with links.
Free PDF book – Schaffer, C. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Daily Vitamin #8
Daily Vitamin #7
Cool Stuff
robohash – generate robot image. Repo at
Daily Vitamin #6
Eye – Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God.
Daily Vitamin #5
iOS – great tutorials and be sure to sign up for newsletter
Rypress Objective-C Tutorials – for beginners
Apple Programming Videos – videos in bite-sized pieces
Daily Vitamin #4
Beginning Android
Professor Android Video Course – not free, but not too bad
Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems – Coursera by U of Maryland